You may need to have x-rays taken before oral surgery so that we can check for any problems that could present while the procedure is being done. We often take a full set of x-rays every few years and on new patients coming into the office for the first time. X-rays are typically necessary before, during or even after a root canal has been performed. The process to take x-rays is easy, quick and safe for most patients.
Our highly trained and skilled dental professional will place a lead apron over your whole body. This apron is designed to protect you while all radiation is in use. A small device is placed inside the mouth behind specific teeth. The x-ray machine is then moved to aim at this device so that the image can be taken. The x-ray is exposed and the process is repeated for any or all other teeth. We review all of your x-rays while you’re in our office so that we can provide you with the best possible care available.
If you need new dental x-rays and want to schedule an appointment to come in, call us today to speak with one of our skilled team members.