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What Are the Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns?

What Are the Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns?
Dental Implants - Rosenthal Family Dentistry

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that places a cap over a tooth or dental implant. Crownshelp keep the underlying tooth from breaking apart,and can be used to help fix an area on a tooth thatis broken. There are different types of crowns available to patients,and depending on the severity of thetooth will determine which type of crown is best. Crowns are typically made of hard materials such asporcelain or ceramic, but can also be made of gold, resin, or stainless steel. They can be made to matchthe color, size, and shape of your natural teeth and blend in nicely.

Pros of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns improve your appearance,and can helpcorrect any cosmetic issues in the mouth. Thereare many benefits to dental crowns, and crowns are commonly used today.

  • Crowns are used to replace large or worn out fillings in the teeth
  • Restore dental implants
  • Restore cracked, injured, or damaged teeth
  • Correct discoloration or alignment
  • Reshape your teeth
  • Keep cracked or damaged teeth from breaking down further
  • Protect the underlying tooth after a root canal
  • Crowns are durable and last for years

Cons of Dental Crowns

With any dental procedure there are always some disadvantages patients should consider.In somecases, crowns may needto berepaired or replaced. This is not common but does happen occasionally.During a crown procedure the tooth has to be filed down to ensure the crown can be securely placed.Ifa crown is not fitted properly there is risk that it can fall out,or allow bacteria to enter underneath thecrown. Patients may become more sensitive to hot or cold after their crown is placed. Our officetypically recommends a sensitive toothpaste tohelp with this issue.

If patients ever have an issue with a crown we encourage them to contact our office right away. Leavinga damaged crown untreated can lead to further issues or complications. Overall, crowns are extremelyhelpful in preserving teeth,and givepatients a beautiful natural white smile. The benefits of crownsdefinitely outweigh the risks.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out more about dental crowns, or if you have a damaged or discoloredtooth, a dentalcrown may be the right solution. Our team is available to help you take the next steptowards that perfect smile.To schedule your consultation with our team contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy toassist you!

Interested in Finding Out More About Treatment for Swollen Gums?

If you have swollen gums and are in need of treatment, please contact Rosenthal Family Dentistry. Our doctors have helped many patients treat swollen gums, and seeking professional help can avoid serious complications. We create a welcoming and calm environment and always provide the highest level of care.

Take that first step towards healthy gums, by calling Rosenthal Family Dentistry today to schedule your appointment.

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