What Are Some of the Most Common Dental Diseases?
Some of the more common dental diseases that can arise for patients include the following:
You can develop halitosis as a result of poor hygiene, it is almost always associated with other infections. If you are overdue for a routine dental exam or cleaning in Sunrise, FL, make sure to call Dr. Rosenthal today!
These may appear due to genetic problems, from what you eat, some medications or over time. If you are seeking teeth whitening solutions in Sunrise, FL for your yellow teeth, we can certainly help! We also offer Zoom Bleaching as well, giving our patients an additional cosmetic option to improve their smiles!
You can develop gingivitis, a gum infection, or periodontitis, a more serious discomfort. Our dental clinic in Sunrise, FL can also treat a variety of periodontic treatments as well.
They usually appear between the ages of 16 and 25. They almost always do not have enough space to grow and can cause tremendous pain. If you’re overdue for a consultation for your own wisdom teeth, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly dentists in Sunrise, FL!
One in four adults has an untreated decay. You have to be alert, as discomfort can get complicated.
It can cause mild headache or hearing pain, as well as jaw pain. It almost always happens when you sleep.
Contact Rosenthal Family Dentistry in Sunrise, FL
If you believe that you are suffering from one of the aforementioned dental diseases, you’re in luck! At Rosenthal Family Dentistry, our team of dental professionals is experienced in offering a variety of dental solutions for any issue. Our team proudly served families since 1981!
Contact Rosenthal Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists in Sunrise, FL today! We look forward to meeting you!